getting back on track...
Life has been crazy these days, the media makes me feel like I'm losing my mind. It's been a struggle trying to understand what's going on as the pandemic and politics continue tearing us apart. With so many people getting sick and suffering my heart is heavy and my spirit lays low. The days are growing shorter, darker and colder as the steep decent into winter picks up momentum… but this is something I love and embrace but the current situation and a feeling of uncertainty has overwhelmed my thoughts casting a dark shadow in my head.
The recent storms have brought some snowfall and I've been slowly getting back up into the high country. Getting outside has given me a few moments of escape and a little relief from the anxiety of 2020.
After breaking trail through the forest and up to the ridge I navigate the divide on my split board traveling along the physical line that dissects the land of our country. I'm feeling pretty out of shape and the air is painfully cold. I try to stay focused on my breath but my mind is occupied by our troubled nation and I search for resolve reflecting on an idea...
"the divide connects us”…. it became clear as circulation improved my state of mind.
I reached the top, put on my extra layers, drank some water, and transitioned to ride mode. Before dropping I took it all in and scanned the horizon slowly while enjoying a snack and the euphoric effects of endorphins. From this high promontory in the Absorokas I followed the line connecting land and sky from east to west. First crossing the vast expanse of the Red Dessert, then slowly climbing over the infinite peaks of the Wind River, Gros Ventre and Teton mountain ranges, trying to make out and put a name to the few peaks I could recognize. Coming full circle the view ends where it begins… over the layers of high plateau’s stacked sheer cliff walls I spotted Yount’s peak. A perfect pyramid standing alone deep in Yellowstone's thoroughfare wildernesses. The rivers are an essential thread connecting life.... the Snake, Buffalo and Gros Ventre travel west as the Shoshone, Yellowstone and Wind rivers run north from here then turn east as the Green goes south,... it's a beautiful vision of unity and the idea lifts my spirit. Its sacred land as these headwaters give and sustain so much life. I've found so much inspiration from this passive force guided by gravity carving solid stone, a symbol of strength and perseverance.
I've been told that Togwotee means "from here we can go anywhere". I truly hope we can find a path that leads to peace and "connect the divide"...

photo @varmin